Wednesday, March 19, 2014

For the groups setting up an Outdoor game for their final,

As mentioned, here be the contact details of the representatives for all groups planning an outdoor game as their final. please coordinate with each other so that we can all share the same basketball court/gym or basement come April 5.

Adrenaline! (estrada, relos, gomez, buenaflor)
Bayo Gals (tagle, sibayan, manipis, solano steffi)
Keme Games (leones, pacaba, ramos, solano abby)

Jutsi Fruit (caronan david, concepcion, diloy, delacruz, manalili)
Da Main Boys! (fulo, ricardos, ferrer, asuncion, magdaraog)

Wala Pa Ser (castro, saludar, romero, medel)
Eios D2 (agpalo, suniga, rico, cabungcal)

Triple S (solema, sarmiento, sabido)

I may have missed some of the outdoor groups; feel free to add your group and your representative's contact details in the comments. Or if you changed your mind and are not making an outdoor game anymore, let it be known in the comments as well, so that I may update this list.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Second half of the term, GO!

Before anything else, make sure you have a group already. Anyone who's joining a new group or accepting new members (again, 4 people maximum), please update me on them asap.

Let me just clear up a few things here, at the same time post some guidelines for the projects as well.

There shall be 2 games that you'll be making for the end-term:

1) The classroom game. One where your group of will run/manage a game that The Whole Class (or at least half of them) will participate in. This one doesn't have to be too complicated, consider it an extra practice run for coming up with and running a game. Really, the only meter here is the reactions of the class (with a little discussion on what worked and what didn't).

Take turns running the classroom game, check with me for the schedules that we agreed upon. (some changes: due to College Week, I will be moving the schedules of some of the groups:

AB 121 TF 130-330: margarita and co. (mendez, salvador, saflor, balabad): March 11.

AB122 WS 930-1130: G force (solis, vera, roman, escobar):  March 12.

2) The Main Game Project. (A different game from the classroom game, by the way) The one due on April 4 & 5, and will be played by your classmates on said dates. For this one, I'd suggest just going all out. Don't worry too much about the results or whether you think you know nothing about making games, just go Make Something! (and of course feel free to consult with me in the faculty room <thursdays are a good free day> if you have any questions.)

The meter for grading here is The Rulebook: if people can understand it, and therefore play your game with no confusion, it gets a high score. Naturally, a game with vague, hard-to-follow rules, or rules that result in a broken mess (ex: only one side ever wins, and the players can see it all coming a mile away), get a crap score.

The artistic level of all the parts of the game (concept, cards and/or minifigures, how well these relate to the concept. Also the "that looks like a cool game" factor of your packaging or rulebook) adds bonus points as well.

Ah, before I forget: by week 10 (March 21 and 22), I will be asking for a Progress Report on your games. An initial draft of your rulebook, some notes on whether these rules worked or not, maybe a second draft of your rulebook, any concept fixes or changes that you made, any initial artist pieces as well. All these, as a powerpoint file or a PDF document.

I hope that clears up things. if you have any questions, bug me on 09999427146 as well.

Good Luck, and Happy Game Making!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Hard to believe this still needs to be said, but

To Reference Something On the Internet is to use an idea that someone else has come up with to support Your Own Idea. (ex: archimedes has discovered that 1+1 =2! Based on this, I theorize therefore that 1+1+1+1 = 4!)

It is NOT using their written work word-per-word and submitting it as your own. (ex: I has discovered that 1+1 = 2!)



And do recall that you're in school because you want to learn things?

It won't be on my conscience if you leave APC with nothing new in your heads but ctrl-c ctrl-v.

(The fact that even minor instances of copypasting will render your papers burned in a bonfire is just an unfortunate side effect)

(I don't care either if I catch em or not, the grade isn't the result we're really after here.)

<end rantage>

Oh, and congrats to the few and the proud who got themselves a 4 on the midterm paper!